

Recently I had the opportunity to review one of the latest offerings from the folks at Logos Bible Software. For those of you who are not familiar with the company, this Bellevue, WA based company began providing a software platform for Bible study in 1991. They provide tools for complex Bible searches (and more) and digitize texts so you can use their software for study or as a digital library. Their software is currently in version 5, and I began using it when it was in version 2, so I’ve been following them for some time.

There have been a number of new initiatives at Logos. They’ve begun to “go social” with Bible study, making the FaithLife Study Bible. They have their own imprint, “Kirkdale Press,” from which they publish Christian fiction and other titles. And, what is most relevant to this review, they have begun to publish their own curriculum and material. “Mary: Devoted to God’s Plan” is the second in the “Studies in Faithful Living” series, which I will be reviewing.

The standalone resource can be purchased currently for $19.95 and is intended for individuals and group members. The full church curriculum adds a leader’s guide and collection of media resources for a total of $84.95. Herein lies the first challenge: there is no print version available, so your group members will need to purchase it digitally from Logos, and read/follow-along in one of a number of digital ways (desktop application, web app, mobile phone or tablet app). While the digital format has progressed to allow “writable answer boxes” I think many churches would appreciate the option of physical books. Perhaps Logos can provide a print run in the future.
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AppSumo currently has a contest in which 10 individuals will receive Dropbox Pro for life. All you have to do is enter your email address. You also receive additional chances for each friend you refer.

Click here to enter.

Smith, Steve. T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution. Monument, CO: WIGTake Resources, 2011.


I have been blessed to receive a review copy of T4T through the generosity of WIGTake and Missions Frontiers Magazine. Let me say at the outset that I was not familiar with WIGTake as a publisher, but I have come to appreciate their focus on spreading the gospel. Their name stands for “What’s It Gonna Take?” from the phrase “What’s it gonna take to reach my people with the gospel?” You can read more about it here.

Although I was not familiar with the publisher, this is a book I have been awaiting for a few years. I first encountered Training for Trainers (T4t) in my time in East Asia. I witnessed fruitful implementations as well as barren, and longed for a fuller explanation and theological support for what had become a trend in the field. T4T: A Discipleship Re-Revolution is that resource.

So, what about the book?

The book is divided into three sections: The Foundations of T4T, The Process of T4T, and The Application of T4T. As you can well imagine, the first section explains the history and development of the movement. The second section explains in greater details how the movement works. Finally, the third section helps church leaders to implement T4T on their own. There are many resources online to give a summary or introduction (pdf), so I will simply provide some brief personal comments and reflection.

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Phillips, Richard. The Masculine Mandate. Lake Mary, FL: Reformation Trust, 2010.
175 pages.


My church has been looking for a book to study as a part of our burgeoning Men’s Ministry. This book was one of the suggestions, and Reformation Trust was gracious to provide a copy for this review and our consideration.


The watering-down of gender roles and distinctions has led to a hole in our understanding of masculinity. To fill this hole, books have been written that rely on pop psychology, albeit with a thin theological veneer. Richard Phillips writes in order to provide a book that is both theologically sound and immensely practical and has done a faithful job.

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My Bible Pro – FREE!

The Universal Iphone/Ipad app “My Bible Pro” is now free for a limited time. Grab it while you can. It is a great way to get the Chinese Bible for your i-device.

Some of its features:
– Includes 5 translations of the Bible: Bible in Basic English, King James Version, World English Bible, Traditional Chinese Union Version, Simplified Chinese Union Version.
– Cross reference all 5 translations of the same verse in a single screen for each verse.
– Built-in Google maps for more than 1000 places mentioned in Bible, with current satellite images, with related Strong’s text description.


Free Logos Lesson Builder

Last year there was a sale and I purchased a number of these at a discount. If you are interested in one, I would love to send it to you. I only ask for $5 to cover the cost of shipping, and so that I will know those requesting it will actually use it.

For more info/review check out this link.

For a limited time, dropbox is giving away double referral space for students, educators, or anyone with an .edu email address.

If you haven’t signed up, go here to sign up. If you already have, then click here to verify the .edu email with them. You will receive this bonus for anyone you refer or have already referred! There is a 16gb limit for referrals, so that is a lot of potential space.

Logos Mac Giveaway & Sale

Logos Bible Software is giving away thousands of dollars of prizes to celebrate the launch of Logos Bible Software 4 Mac on October 1. Prizes include an iMac, a MacBook Pro, an iPad, an iPod Touch, and more than 100 other prizes!

They’re also having a special limited-time sale on their Mac and PC base packages and upgrades. Check it out!

Logos Seminary Scholarship

In case you haven’t already heard, Logos (the folks who produce Libronix) are offering a seminary scholarship. I don’t know the likelihood of receiving it, but I do know that it is one of the easiest to apply for. It just takes a short video and short form, and that’s it!

As a bonus, for those who do receive the scholarship, if you happened to have purchased a base package of Libronix the same day, they will also refund the price.

I’m sure there probably isn’t a seminary student out there who wouldn’t benefit from this. Whether you put the money toward tuition, books, or taking your wife out for dinner I know it will be gladly received. As a big fan of Libronix I would consider putting it towards the new Spurgeon Collection (and don’t forget about academic discount). In fact, I purchased my base package of Libronix with the first seminary gift that I received, so it sounds like something I’d do.

Blog is Live Again

I searched for a post on the blog to find some information I had entered last year, only to find that the blog had been shut down. Apparently it was caused by some affiliate links, so I’m going to take them down. I’ll start to post again on the blog, so you can look forward to some new content.